Usb to i2c

USB - I2C - USB to I2C Communications Module Technical Specification. The USB - I2C module provides a complete interface between your PC and the I2C bus. This USB to I2C module provides a complete interface between your PC and the I2C bus. Interface USB vers I2C , SPI et Sériel Devantech et autres produits robotiques. The module is an I2C master only; it cannot act as a slave or in a multi-master bus.

Chez RobotShop vous trouverez tout à propos de la robotique. Full Speed IC offers a compact bridge to I2C devices. The device is an I2C slave, capable of operating up to 3. MBit/s, with low power consumption ( 8mA). The FT201X includes the complete FT-X series feature set and enables USB to be added into a system design quickly and easily over an I2C interface . Show how to initialize the FT232H as an I2C Master and provide example I2C functions for using the FT232H as a generic USB to I2C Master interface.

Sure you can program an Arduino or Trinket to talk to these . Cheap and simple I²C to USB interface. Contribute to I2C -Tiny- USB development by creating an account on GitHub.


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