
CONNECTION DIAGRAMS AND ORDER CODES (top views). Programmable Voltage Regulator with Current Limiting. L2- Adjustable voltage and current regulator, L200CV , STMicroelectronics.

L200CV Fiche technique, L200CV circuit, L200CV Fiche technique : STMICROELECTRONICS - ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REGULATOR ,alldatasheet, Fiche technique, Site de recherche de fiches techniques, Site de recherche de fiches techniques de Composants électroniques et de Semi-conducteurs . Le L200CV peut être utilisé pour remplacer des régulateurs de . Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online.

Régulateur de tension - Linéaire STMicroelectronics L200CV Positif Réglable 2. The L200CV is a monolithic integrated circuit for voltage and current programmable regulation. Buy L200CV with extended same day shipping times. Vérifiez notre large offre. V 2A PW SPLIT de ST à Rutronik24.

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ST - L200CV - L200cv 2A Adjustable Reg (vert) - Adjustable voltage and current regulator, adjustable output voltage, 2. Linear voltage regulator L200CV. V to 36V output voltage, 2V dropout. Spanningsregelaar - lineair STMicroelectronics L200CV Positief Instelbaar 2. Commandez maintenant en ligne! Disponibilité pour la quantité demandée. Régulateurs de tension ajustables, ST Microelectronics V sortie Typ.

To reach the simple design of the power supply and at the same time easy output voltage and current limit, I decided to use the well-known monolithic integrated Adjustable voltage and current regulator L200. Electronics Projects, Stabilized Regulated Power Supply Circuit with L200CV 0-30V power . Mitsubishi L2CV Boots available from MicksGarage. Výrobce, STMicroelectronics. Zkratka výrobce (součástky), STM. Typ regulátoru napětí ( kategorie), Napěťový regulátor- lineární.

Výstupní napětí (min.) 2. Vstupní napětí (max.) V. L200CV Adjustable Voltage And Current Regulator. V INPUT OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (UP V, ms) SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION OUTPUT TRANSISTOR S. L200CV Datasheet PDF Download - ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REGULATOR.


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